Embassy of Sweden and SACC online event 7 Sept – Roadmaps for Fossil Free Competitiveness
Summary and Recording of the Event
Roadmaps for Fossil Free Competitiveness – Challenges and Opportunities Towards Net Zero Emissions
The idea for this webinar was initiated during a SACC Sustainability Committee meeting. Our dynamic sustainability group, with representatives from a range of Swedish companies and business organisations, wanted to learn more about Fossil Free Sweden, the roadmaps and the bottom up approach and challenge towards net zero emissions from the industry in Sweden.
A Team Sweden event was presented on 7 September by Embassy of Sweden and Swedish Australian Chamber of Commerce together with Fossil Free Sweden. Introducing Fossil Free Sweden and the roadmaps to a broad Australian audience that joined and contributed to the discussion.
A prominent list of panellists was part of the discussion;
H.E Henrik Cederin, Swedish Ambassador to Australia opened and welcomed the audience to the webinar. Delivering a very strong message; “the need we face, to speed up the transition from the dependence of fossil fuel to create a society and economies that run on renewable energy. We have a critical decade ahead of us”.
Svante Axelsson, national coordinator set the scene of the current situation in Sweden regarding the CO2 emission per capita, energy mix and emission by industries. Inspiring with a positive message that industry can set the tone with the right narrative and can-do-mentality instilling confidence in leaders and decision makers to be brave and make the right decision.
David Leitch , Principal, ITK Services Australia and Author at RenewEconomy, moderated the discussion, applied the Australian angle and his deep knowledge of renewable energy and economics, layered the conversation to cover many aspects and questions on decarbonisation.
Marianne Hedberg, representative from The Construction and Civil Engineering Sector, one of the 22 roadmaps. The construction sectors largest challenge is how to decarbonize, in particular the largely used material cement. There are ways for the sector to lower their emissions, by adding fillers that do not add carbon emission and by investing in carbon storage/capture.
Ellen Einebrant, from the Swedish Recycling Industries and representative of The Recycling Sector roadmap, represents the private companies, 80% of the sector, handle 10 MTons of waste and recycled material. The sector work to increase recycling and resource efficiency, still its main challenge is how to reduce their emissions, where the biggest emitter is landfill. The roadmap has made a call to politicians to introduce a methane capture requirement.
Fossil Free Sweden is a national initiative working to increase the pace of the climate transition. 22 Industry Roadmaps have been created to identify opportunities that the climate transition can provide for these industries and how it can be used as a commercial advantage. With a “bottom-up approach” industries created their own vision and targets and identified obstacles and proposals for solutions towards their journey for a fossil free competitiveness delivering on Sweden’s national net zero greenhouse gas emission target by 2045.
VIEW THE ONLINE RECORDING HERE: Roadmaps for Fossil Free Competitiveness – Webinar 7 September 2021 – YouTube
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