The SACC is introducing new membership structure from 1 August 2023
Dear Members,
The Swedish Australian Chamber of Commerce (SACC) is committed to always create meaningful, relevant, and high quality added value for all members.
The past year featured many high quality and rewarding seminars, topic focused meetings, Executive forums, CEO talks, a two-day Swedish Australian Innovation, Technology and Design Summit, mentorship program and many social networking events.
During the pandemic we quickly adapted our event agenda, reached out and connected to other chambers, created special online content and in the executive board we decided to freeze the membership fees on 2017 levels and put membership engagement front and centre.
Post pandemic the world around us has changed – energy and raw materials are more costly; interest rates are higher and inflation pressure is all around us. To arrange, organise and execute business and social events has also become much more expensive than previous years.
To secure continuous high quality membership content, events, seminars and benefits we will un-freeze our long-standing membership fee structure and adapt a new pricing & benefit structure that is reflecting the new reality.
In preparation we have done market research and benchmarked ourselves with other chambers, both in Australia and Asia Pacific region. We are confident that our new membership fee structure is competitive and offers the best high quality and value for money compared to any other chambers. Please find the new membership fee structure, benefits and annual fees presented here. The new membership rates will be active from 1 August 2023.
Please contact us for any further details on
Yours Sincerely,
The Board
Swedish Australian Chamber of Commerce