In the early February Team Sweden Energy hosted exciting breakfast seminars for the first time. First we had a lovely morning at the Rydges Hotel in South Brisbane and then a great morning at the iconic MCG in Melbourne – Thanks to everyone who participated and ensured we had two interesting & inspiring mornings!
At the back-end of the terrible Bushfires we discussed the speedy development of renewable generation in Australia and the fact that Australia sits on enormous untapped potential in the Energy sector – but needs to get a clearer & more straightforward regulatory framework and clear political leadership & vision.
Lots of discussions on how to foster innovation in traditional industries, the need to break down the silos in big organisations and the impact on new legislation & regulations on personal liabilities on individual engineers in Victoria. Similar to Directors there is no longer possible to plead ignorance, and everyone needs to understand their full responsibility including ensuring to have data to support this decision also over time.
A special thanks to our Keynote speaker for both events Kerry Williams and our two superb panels in Brisbane: Amra Alibegovic-Memisevic , Simon Bartlett, Andrew Murdoch & Kerry Williams and in Melbourne: Hugh Gleeson, Kerry Williams, Paul Ascione & Peter Stojanovic. A warm thank you also to our Honorary Swedish Consul in Brisbane Michael Hawkins and our Honorary Swedish Consul in Melbourne Benjamin Sandqvist and to the locac SACC Chapter boards represented by Teresia Fors in Brisbane and Roland Schmid in Melbourne for your support.
Finally, thank you to all the Swedish companies behind Team Sweden Energy for your support in making these events possible; Axis, Industriarmatur, Metrum, Nord-Lock, Secruitas, Roxtec, & Westermo.
If you have any questions, please contact Jonas: