Introduction of Nils Hedberg Grimlund, Deputy Head of Mission, Embassy of Sweden Canberra


Dear all,

I arrived at the Swedish Embassy in Canberra in August as the new Head of Mission. One of our main tasks is to keep close contact with the Swedish business community, and to offer various kind of support and do promotion activities together with our Team Sweden partners: the SACC and Business Sweden.

For me, this is great. I spent the first ten years of my career in the private sector, and as a diplomat, I have worked with trade policy (in Stockholm) and business promotion (in Brazil and Poland). Mining has been a common theme in many of these past capacities, and here in Australia, I strongly look forward to engaging with this industry with all its rapid changes and enormous impact from leading Swedish companies. Australia’s green transition is another focus area for the Embassy (and me personally), where Swedish companies have much to offer.

But the Swedish impact is much broader and as a newcomer, I’m eager to learn about the local market, the business climate and how we can engage. Feel free to reach out (contacts below) if you need help from the Embassy, if there is a promotion activity we could do jointly, or if you are passing by Canberra and would have time for coffee.

Nils Hedberg Grimlund

+61 417 841 367