SACC 112th AGM followed by Networking, Sydney 31 Oct

The Swedish Australian Chamber of Commerce 112th AGM took place on 31 October in Sydney at the Business Sweden office.

The AGM was held in person with a link available for members who were unable to join in person. 

Jan Gardberg, President of the SACC, opened the meeting and welcomed all. A special welcome was made to His Excellency, Mr Pontus Melander Ambassador of Sweden to Australia. Jan then proceeded with the president’s report highlighting that the past year had been another eventful year and that we have a lot to recognize and to celebrate. There were many remarkable achievements, close cooperation, and success.

His Excellency Pontus Melander, Ambassador of Sweden to Australia shared a few words reflecting on his first year here in Australia.

Camilla Jennings, General Manger SACC, presented a summary of year including presentation of Honorary Board Members, Chapter Board Members and the Young Professional Board, national events and activities for SACC in 2023 as well as a teaser of what’s to come in 2024.

Jan Gardberg presented the focus and progress for 2023. He then expressed gratitude by saying: “It is amazing to see the quantity and quality of all the committee work, something we all can feel proud of. It is a testament of great collaboration across many people and companies. There are so many fantastic members that have volunteered and invested time to make it happen. Fantastic work, well done!”

Kristina Melin, Treasurer, presented her Treasury report which was distributed prior to the AGM. Another successful year has passed and the membership income Membership income for financial year 2022/23 was similar compared to 2021/22.

Board members were discharged of responsibility for the passed financial year and the new board were elected as follows.


President – Jan Gardberg, New Retail Business Development Manager, INGKA Group IKEA

Vice President – Teresia Fors, Commercial Director NatRoad Australia

Vice President & Secretary – Mikael Dahlgren, CFO Treotham Automation

Treasurer – Kristina Melin, Sales and Commercial Logistic & Planning Manager, Volvo Group Australia

Membership Committee Chair – Anders Mangen, former SKF

Marketing & Events Chair – Isabel Wagner, Cluster Communications Manager, Alfa Laval (South East Asia & Oceania)

Sustainability Committee Representative – Carin Varverud Härdin, Vice President Brand, Marketing & Communications Volvo Group Australia

Corporate Affairs and Collaboration – Australia – Penny George, Director of Corporate Affairs, AstraZeneca

Collaboration – Sweden – Carl Wallberg, Head of Digital & CX, Electrolux

Permanent Attendees:

SACC General Manager – Camilla Jennings

Chapter Chairs – VIC John Rieusset, WA Joseph Olsson/Pia Nilsson, QLD Teresia Fors

YP Chair – Henric Nordenborg






Sweden at the International Mining and Resources Conference (IMARC) in Sydney 31 October – 2 November 2023

On 31 October following the Swedish Mining session hosted by the Embassy of Sweden and Business Sweden the Swedish Australian Chamber of Commerce visited the International Mining and Resources Conference (IMARC) It was great to see so many Swedish companies there showcasing sustainable mining innovation ABBAxis CommunicationsEpirocHexagon MiningSandvikSKF Group.
#sustainablemining #mininginnovation #innovationtechnology


Sweden and Australia Charting the Future of Sustainable Mining – IMARC, Sydney 31 October

Sweden at the International Mining and Resources Conference (IMARC) in Sydney.

H.E Pontus Melander welcomed participants to the Sweden session “Sweden and Australia charting the future of sustainable mining”, presented by the Embassy of Sweden and Business Sweden at the International Mining and Resources Conference (IMARC) in Sydney.

Following on from the successful visit by H.R.H Crown Princess Victoria and Minister for Foreign Trade, Johan Forssell to Australia in February 2023, the Sweden session provided a renewed focus of the Sweden – Australia collaborations within the mining industry.

The session presented discussions centered around sustainable mining, including digitalization, automation and electrification and Ambassador Melander noted that “the mining sector is a provider of solutions and Sweden wants to collaborate with countries like Australia”.

A keynote delivered by Dr Adam Best, CSIRO emphasized the importance of sustainable mining, new technologies and the importance of the future of mining to support the green transition.

Swedish company representatives, Max Ludke, Vice President and Business Line Manager Mining, ABB, Hans Wahlquist, Global Director Product Management, Epiroc, Wayne Scrivens, Vice President AU & NZ, Sandvik and Simon Stone, Vice President, Hexagon participated in a panel discussion, moderated by Peter Ker, Senior Editor, Australian Financial Review on the strength of the Swedish innovation ecosystem and the growing partnerships between Sweden and Australia.

On the question – “Why are Sweden and Australia compatible” the panelists agreed that Sweden punches above its weight in innovation and Australia is forward leaning in technology and eager to take on new ideas.  “Our countries are geographically far apart but culturally we are close and geo-politically like-minded”.

During IMARC the Embassy also took the opportunity to meet with exhibiting Swedish companies Epiroc, Sandvik, ABB, Hexagon, Axis Communications and SKF. We can confidently say that the Swedish companies present at IMARC 2023 were promoting Sweden’s solutions in mining, emphasizing the focus on sustainability and showcasing the strong innovation ecosystem.

The Swedish Australian Chamber of Commerce invited participating Swedish company representatives and Australian stakeholders to a pre-IMARC event at the office of Business Sweden as a kick-off to the IMARC Sweden Session on 30 October. At this pre-IMARC event, we heard from industry experts from the mining ecosystem, Professor David Saiang at Luleå University of Technology and Andrew Dawson at Sandvik Mining and Rock Solutions, who gave us insight into sustainable mining practices, innovative technologies, AI to support green transition and future development.


Swedish Sustainable Mining – Pre IMARC Event, Team Sweden, Sydney 30 Oct

Green transition requires more raw materials – at this pre International Mining and Resources Conference (IMARC) Team Sweden event on 30 October in Sydney we heard from industry experts from the mining ecosystem, Professor David Saiang at Luleå University of Technology and Andrew Dawson at Sandvik Mining and Rock Solutions, who gave us an insight into sustainable mining practices, innovative technologies, AI to support green transition and future development.

The event was organised by the Swedish Australian Chamber of Commerce together with the Embassy of Sweden in Canberra and Business Sweden.

Special thank you to speakers and Q&A facilitator Kate Bills, General Manager Sustainability, Marketing and Communications at Sandvik and to Team Sweden for great collaboration.

#sustainablemining #innovation #miningtechnology #teamswedenaus



The role of AI in Digital Transformation – at AXIS Communications Experience Centre, Melbourne 26 Oct

With a lineup of A-grade panelists, last week’s event on “The Role of AI in Digital Transformation” at Axis Communications Experience Center in Melbourne was a great success.

The event commenced with a welcome by Wai King Wong Regional Director of AXIS Communications and Joseph Ghaly, SACC Melbourne Chapter Board.
On the panel we had; Mats ThulinJohn RieussetIan Ross, who shared invaluable insights on everything from the practical application of AI within Axis Communications, ABB, and Ericsson, to customer success stories, ethical considerations, the importance of cyber security, AI patents, AI generating AI, and how AI is a driving force behind sustainability.

The Discussion/Q&A was facilitated by Devyani Sharma, Marketing Manager Oceania, AXIS Communications. The event was a true showcase of the incredible strides being made in the realm of AI and how it’s rewiring the future of digital transformation.

Big thank you to Axis Communications, panelists, SACC Melburne Chapter and all who joined us.
#AI #digitaltransformation #axis #SACC #sustainability #ABB #ericsson



Trade and Investment for a Sustainable Future, Australia – Sweden, Sydney 17 Oct

On 17 October Swedish Australian Chamber of Commerce (SACC) member EQT Partners hosted a joint hybrid event together with SACC counterpart Australian Business Council of Sweden in both Sydney and Stockholm.

In Sydney Jason Collins, CEO European Australian Business Council (EABC) presented on EU-Australia economic relationship and dynamics of the Sweden-Australia relationship, new areas of cooperation and opportunities. From Stockholm, Ylva Hannestad, Director, Transformation Lead Sustainable Finance & Client Relations at EQT Group, spoke about EQT’s approach to sustainability as a value and performance driver.

Thank you to speakers, all attendees in person and online, and special thanks to EQT Partners.



SCC Arbitration Institute and SACC Event in Perth 11 October – Navigating the Midnight Clause and Dispute Management

On 11 October the SCC Arbitration Institute and the Swedish Australian Chamber of Commerce in Perth held an event generously hosted by King & Wood Mallesons discussing alternative dispute resolution and the so-called “Midnight clause”.

The speakers offered the audience tips and tricks on how to avoid the pitfalls when drafting an arbitration clause, including to copy and paste the model clauses provided by the arbitration institutions, and to be sure to carefully select the “seat”, or the “legal home” of the arbitration.

Special thanks to Amanda Lees partner at King & Wood Mallesons based in Singapore, and Jake Lowther, legal counsel at SCC Arbitration Institute based in Stockholm for joining us. Thanks also to moderator Pia Nilsson, SACC Perth WA and Joseph Olsson, Sandvik/SACC Perth WA, for the welcoming remarks.