SWEDELINK Newsletter Summer 2022/2023


End of the Year News from SACC, with podcasts from the Innovation Summit, Embassy and member updates plus upcoming events including the Nordic Open Golf Day 3 March 2023!

Read more here: https://www.swedishchamber.com.au/?na=view&id=17



SACC Member – Randek is working with one of Australia’s leading prefabricated modular builders

1st robotic production line for house wall panels by Randek

Melbourne-based modular builder commits to the future of offsite construction with advanced robotic manufacturing equipment.

One of Australia’s leading and most progressive prefabricated modular builders, Modscape, have unveiled their plans for their new division, Modbotics, a fully automated robotic production line for building elements.

“Modscape has been working with leading Swedish based manufacturing Robotic company, Randek, since February 2019 on developing an advanced suite of robotic lines – purpose-made for the manufacture and completion of wall panels,” explained Jan Gyrn, Modscape CEO.

“The robots will manufacture open and closed walls, passive house walls, floor and roof cassettes – with tolerances to a fraction of a degree and millimetre.”

Modscape is investing in Randek’s 3rd generation ‘ZeroLabor 3.0’ system, and it has been designed to be scalable and flexible to accommodate changing requirements.

Randek’s ZeroLabor 3.0 due for installation at Modscape.

Working alongside Modscape employees, the Modbotics robotic production line, according to company sources, “will transform modular and prefabricated construction – enhancing the time, cost, quality and safety aspects of every project delivered.”

At the core of the new robotic manufacturing line are modern methods of construction (MMC), and according to industry research, the new line will be 50% faster to manufacture prefabricated elements, improve sustainability credentials, and produce 70% less landfill than conventional construction.

Read the full article here:


Contact for more information: Jason Reints at jason@blissandreels.com.au


Watch Randek’s ZeroLabor system in action

EuroMix Feb 2023 – Melbourne, Perth and Sydney

Save the Date – EuroMix Networking Events in Feb 2023 Here are your opportunities to mingle with members and guests of the European Chambers in February 2023!


Date: Thursday 16 February 2023

Location: Hophaus Bar, 3 Southgate Avenue, Southbank, Melbourne VIC 3006

Time: 5.00 -7.00 pm AEDT

Registration link: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/euromix-melbourne-february-2023-tickets-486013197557


Date: Thursday 16 February 2023

Location: Reyes Lounge – 49 King Street, Perth WA 6000

Time: 5.00 -7.00 pm AWST

Registration link: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/euromix-perth-february-2023-tickets-486111692157


Date: Thursday 23 February 2023

Location: Slims Rooftop 49 William Street, Darlinghurst, Sydney NSW 2010

Time: 5.00 -7.00 pm AEDT

Registration link: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/euromix-sydney-february-2023-tickets-486116907757

Why Hydrogen? SACC Sustainability Committee Virtual Event 28 Feb 2023

Join this virtual event on – Hydrogen – What is hydrogen? Why hydrogen? How is it produced and the difference between blue and green hydrogen? In this session, we will have a panel with experts in renewable energy from the industry and academia who will identify key issues and hurdles such as:

  • Energy management (applications and how this is integrated)
  • Balance of plant, how transformed to electrify, impact on the network and digitalization
  • Safety aspects regarding implementation/hazardous components

The presentations will be followed by a panel discussion and Q&A.

When: 28 February 2023, at 5pm AEDT

SACC/YP Members: Free, Non-Members: $25

Link to register will be available from mid January 2023.

Nordic Open Golf Day 3 March 2023 at the Moore Park Golf Course, Sydney

Nordic Open Golf Day

March 3, 2023 @ 7:00 am – 3:00 pm

Welcome to the Nordic Chambers for the Nordic Open Golf Day 2023 at the Moore Park Golf Course, Sydney

We are excited to present this annual joint Nordic event for the 7th year. The golf day offers unique opportunities to meet members and business contacts of the Nordic & Estonian Chambers in a relaxed setting. It enables great networking opportunities while offering you a chance to promote your company and services. You don’t have to be a pro player as we will compete in teams of 4 players, with only the best score in each team being counted for every stroke (giving each team 4 chances for every stroke to get it right!). There will be some fantastic prizes lined up for winning teams and individual players and we will run the Nordic Putting Comp (introduced in 2022) for lunch only participants. The event has been sold out the last few years so register early to secure your team and place in the comp!

The Cost per Player: Members: $195, Non-Members: $245 or join as a Corporate Team with 4 players for $1,525 and contribute to the prize pot (all prices are incl. GST)

      • Green Fee
      • Complimentary range balls
      • The Nordic Open Golf Day participation kit (with some sponsor surprises)
      • Bacon & Egg roll with tea/coffee (in the morning)
      • Golf Cart (2ppl /cart)
      • Drink Cart at the course (drinks/snacks to be purchased by players)
      • “19th hole Celebration” Lunch at the Clubhouse.

The Cost for Lunch only Participants: Members: $75, Non-Members: $95

      • Participation in the Nordic Putting Comp
      • Complimentary driving range balls for practicing
      • Lunch


      • 07:00 am – 07:45 am – Registration & Breakfast
      • 08:00 am – Shotgun start for 18 holes, Stableford (scoring via MPG application)
      • All morning until 12.30 pm Nordic Putting Comp
      • 12:30 pm – 3:00 pm 19th Hole Celebration Lunch and Prize Ceremony

Register here: https://app.glueup.com/event/nordic-open-golf-day-2023-67802

Contact us at sacc@swedishchamber.com.au for more information. 

Nordic Christmas mingle event in Melbourne

On 16 December the SACC Melbourne and the Danish Club invited members and guests to a special Nordic Christmas mingle event at Denmark House. It turned out to be a fantastic evening with great company and Christmas-inspired food served by Denmark House. There were also some very good prizes for the Christmas raffle sponsored by Tetra Pak, Denmark House and SACC.

Thank you to all sponsors and participants for making this a very special Christmas Event! 

The SACC Melbourne Chapter is wishing you all a wonderful Christmas and New Year!

Julbord at the Moose Claremont 14 Dec

 The Christmas Dinner – Julbord at the Moose Claremont, Perth WA on 14 December was a success with a sold out event.

All members and guests enjoyed the Swedish Christmas Buffet – Julbord prepared by the Moose Cafe + Restaurant in Claremont. There were also traditional songs to accompany the food and drinks with Figge Boksjö SACC Perth WA Chair as toastmaster. Thank you all for attending and making this a very special Christmas Event! Happy Christmas and New Year from the SACC Perth WA Chapter


Thank you all for attending and making this a very special Christmas Event!

Wishing you all a Happy Christmas and New Year!

SACC Perth WA Chapter

Event sponsor:

Christmas Event with Glögg and Lucia at the Bolon showroom in Sydney

What a great start to the festive season we had on December 1st at the BOLON Showroom in Paddington Sydney. Mark Andrews, MD The Andrews Group | BOLON Partner, presented the Bolon story, born in 1949 by textile waste turning into rag rugs. Today Bolon is a sustainable design-led innovator collaborating with designers and architects worldwide. Special guest Deputy Head of Mission, Per Linnér, Embassy of Sweden in Canberra gave us an update from Sweden. Another highlight of the evening was the Lucia performance from the Swedish School in Sydney.

Big thank you goes to Bolon and our Christmas present sponsors, Funkis Swedish Forms, Swedish School in Sydney, Nordic Fusion, Football Development Australia, Milla’s Vineyard Estate and Lewis Estate.

Here is a special thank you to all attendees from BOLON

SACC Glögg and Lucia Event 
It was our very great pleasure to host the SACC annual Christmas gathering in the BOLON showroom last week. The Lucia procession was certainly the highlight and we’d like to sincerely thank the children and teachers from the Swedish School for treating us to this special tradition.

We were delighted to welcome Per Linnér, Deputy Head of Mission and Malin Nilsson, Sweden Trade and Promotion Officer from the Embassy of Sweden in Canberra and of course, Jan Gardberg the SACC President and other board members.

Camilla Jennings deserves a special mention for pulling the event together at a very busy time of year. The involvement of Funkis (catering), Milla’s Vineyard Estate (Wines) and Nordic Fusion (Glögg and Raffle) was also greatly appreciated.

We’ve had some lovely feedback that the story of BOLON was well received and that the event was a great success. Being invited to be a part of the Swedish Australian community and to host in our beautiful space was certainly a highlight for The Andrews Group in 2022.

A message from the Andrews family

We look forward to building our connection with the community in 2023 and wish you a wonderful festive season.

Best wishes,

The Andrews Family and the Bolon Team

Introducing the new Ambassador of Sweden to Australia

HE Mr. Pontus Melander is since October 10, 2022, Ambassador of Sweden to Australia.

Before coming to Australia, he served as Deputy Head of the Security Department at the Ministry for Foreign Affairs. Between 2017 and 2019, he served as Sweden’s Ambassador to Iraq.

Previously, he was Ambassador at large at the Ministry for Foreign Affairs and Ambassador at Swedish Armed Forces between 2008 and 2010.

Over the years, Mr. Melander has held various positions abroad, including at the Embassy of Sweden to Canada, the Embassy of Sweden to the United States and the Permanent Representation of Sweden to the European Union in Brussels. At the Ministry for Foreign Affairs, he has held positions as Ambassador and Energy Coordinator and Ambassador and Chief Coordinator for Export Support to the Defense Industry. In addition, he has worked at the Office of the European Correspondent, Department for European Affairs and the Trade Department.

Mr. Melander received his Master of Science in Politics, Economy and International Law at the University of Lund 1989. He has also received higher management training in the Swedish Armed Forces and the Ministry for Foreign Affairs.

Mr. Melander is married and has four children.

Photo: Kristian Pohl

Sweden to hold the Presidency of the Council of the European Union 1 Jan – 30 June 2023

Presidency of the Council

The Presidency of the Council rotates between EU Member States every six months. During a six-month period, the Presidency will drive forward the Council’s work on EU legislation, ensure continuity of the EU agenda and ensure that legislative processes are carried out in an orderly manner and that Member States cooperate.

The two main tasks of the Presidency are to plan and chair the meetings of the Council and its preparatory bodies and to represent the Council in its relations with other EU institutions.

Sweden will hold the Presidency of the Council of the European Union from 1 January to 30 June 2023.

The four priorities of the Swedish Presidency

  • Security – unity
  • Resilience – competitiveness
  • Prosperity – green & energy transition
  • Democratic values and the rule of law – our foundation

The priorities of the Swedish Presidency reflect positions that Sweden has traditionally advocated in the EU, but also respond to the current geopolitical and economic challenges facing the Union.

More detailed information on the priorities is available on the official website of the Swedish Presidency

Other related links:

Sweden’s Presidency of the Council of the EU – Government.se
