Ashton Legal is a client centred law firm with a focus on Australian immigration law. Our clients have the confidence that their Australian immigration needs in the complex and ever-changing environment of Australian immigration law are fully met.

Corporate and Employment Visas:  For businesses looking to hire overseas talent during skills shortages in Australia, we offer strategic migration advice, migration monitoring and compliance. We support employer nomination visas such as subclasses 482, 186, 494, 191, 407, as well as subclass 400 visas.

Global Talent Visas 858 (Independent) or through GTE (Employer nominated):  The Global Talent Visa is one of the most streamlined permanent resident visas and is based on a sustained international record of outstanding and exceptional achievements in key target sectors. This visa is suitable for start-up entrepreneurs, technological leaders in innovation driven/ technology focused target sectors, including Agtech/Agri-food, Circular economy, Defence/advanced manufacturing and space, Digitech, Education, Energy, Financial service/fintech, Health industries, Infrastructure/tourism and Resources.

The Global Talent Employer Sponsored (GTES) program allows employers to sponsor overseas workers for highly skilled niche positions that cannot be filled by Australian workers or through other standard subclass 482 visa programmes. Weblink –

Read more about AshtonLegal here


Ruobing Yang, Legal Practitioner Director, Immigration Law



Howwe Technologies is an international SaaS company, with its headquarters in Stockholm. Its enterprise execution software Howwe is a proactive enterprise execution software that helps organisations to execute better and faster on their strategies by visualising, steering, and measuring the business and strategy acceleration in real-time and accurately throughout the entire organisation. By providing the tools and ability to be business agile, Howwe helps its customers to increase revenues and profits.

Howwe is a new kind of business innovation – Enterprise Execution Software. It’s a shared platform that’s making the business plans clear and actionable for all levels of the organisation, unleashing companies’ full potential for growth. The result: Financial targets consistently hit or exceeded year after year.

What is the rationale for Howwe?

It’s hard to believe but 8 out of 10 CEOs fail to fully realise their financial goals and strategic initiatives! Why? Because they’re too ingrained in old practices and have grown accustomed to those ways – can you imagine how much money goes down the drain just from bad strategy execution across the globe? If more company boards knew the extent of the financial losses that arose from not adopting new strategy execution practices and technologies, there isn’t a CEO on the globe who would be allowed to continue without a digital toolset to ensure on-time execution.

This takes us to the core of the problem – most CEOs simply aren’t aware of the technological opportunities available to them. Can you believe that the persons with the overarching responsibility to ensure that goals are met, are still using Excel spreadsheets or other analogue tools to steer their companies? And meanwhile all other functions in a company have already moved on to radical digitisation decades ago. Look at Sales Managers for example. Do you think they would have the same possibility to succeed without the use of a CRM? And at the same time, we know that the main responsibility of the CEO, that is to execute strategy, is probably harder today than ever before, complicated by speed of change expected by shareholders, hybrid working, complex global supply chains and a dynamic macro-economic environment.

As the world rapidly changes, we cannot afford to lose sight of what is important. If you are not prepared for disruptions, and are not equipped to truly achieve measurable results, you risk being left behind by your competition.

I bet you want to be set up for success and equipped for change so that the next global disruption won’t catch you off guard? How else are you supposed to achieve the increased revenue, profit, and share-holder value that’s expected of you? How else are you supposed to thrive as your game plan is forced to change due to external disruptions? How else are you going to quickly align the entire workforce and get them to pro-actively contribute to make sure you are on track, instead of realising you failed when it’s already too late to act?

To sum it up, 8 out of 10 CEOs fail to fully execute their strategic initiatives. Don’t be one of them. Execution at all levels must start the day the strategy is set. It must be measurable and integrated into the weekly routine on all levels of the company to get the focus and speed that’s required, and it must be connected to both the top and bottom lines of your company. And you know what? It starts with the CEO. There’s no more time to waste. The Enterprise Execution Software platform Howwe is here for you every step of the way to make sure you stay ahead of the game.

See website and video below for more information about Howwe


Stephen Bowhill, Managing Director Australia & New Zealand

Healthcare Innovation – Intelligent Healthcare Solutions 29 Sept @ 11:00 am – 12:00 pm

Welcome to join this session on Intelligent Healthcare Solutions, which is part of the Swedish Australian Innovation Technology and Design Summit 28-29 September at the University of Technology Sydney.

Intelligent Healthcare Solutions session speakers:

  • AstraZeneca – Kerrie McDonald, Vaccines and Health Policy Lead, Corporate Affairs
  • Elekta Shaun Seery, Senior Vice President
  • Ortivus & Corvanta Reidar Gårdebäck, CEO Ortivus AB and Mitch Farquhar, Operations Manager Corvanta, Emergency Services
  • Moderator Professor Michael Nilsson, Director, Centre for Rehab Innovations & Global Innovation Chair of Rehabilitation Medicine, University of Newcastle

Date and time: 29 September, 11.00 am -12.00 pm AEST

Venue: The University of Technology Sydney, The Great Hall, Level 5, 15 Broadway, Ultimo NSW 2007, Australia

See overview of the program for the two days here. All sessions are free but pre registration is required. You can book individual sessions or take part in the full 1 or 2-day program.


To purchase tickets for the Gala Dinner Thursday 29 September please click here

Contact us

Keep an eye on LinkedinFacebook, Twitter and the SACC website for partner and event updates.


SACC Melbourne After Work Networking Event with Topic Speakers on D&I 10 August

The SACC Melbourne Chapter kicked off their quarterly networking event series with a great line up of topic speakers on 10 August. 

The event offered unique opportunities to meet and network with members and contacts from the Swedish-Australian business community while listening to the following topic speakers sharing their expertise on diversity and inclusion.

  • Joseph Ghaly, CEO and Founder of Brilliant Women Global, shared insights on how both Sweden and Australia are tracking on their diversity and inclusion journeys and what they can learn from each other.
  • Beverly Stacey, Country HR Manager at ABB Australiaspoke about ABB’s diversity and inclusion strategy, with a focus on a topic that she is extremely passionate about which is ABB’s engagement with indigenous Australia including some of the learnings that she has made on this journey.
  • Sarah Goss, Head of Innovation, Ericsson Australia & New Zealand, provided insights into Ericsson’s diversity and inclusion journey with a focus on gender equality, highlighting some key learnings and also sharing some personal experiences on the topic, acquired throughout her extensive career at Ericsson.

Thank you to all who attended the event that and a big thank you to our speakers who shared their insights on various aspects of Diversity and Inclusion. Attending guests represented SACC member companies, including ABBAxis CommunicationsBrilliant Women GlobalEricssonEssity and Pagero.

Keep an eye on LinkedinFacebook, Twitter and the SACC website for partner and event updates.






















Visit to UTS Tech Lab Sydney 3 August

As a lead-up for the Swedish Australian Innovation Technology & Design Summit 28-29 Sept, the University of Technology Sydney today hosted a visit to UTS Tech Lab for SACC members and guests. Ray Kirby Director of UTS Tech Lab showed us around the impressive facilities supporting collaborative, industry-led research partnerships. Thank you to Ray KirbyJohn Szabo and team at the UTS for a great visit. Find out more and register here for the Innovation Summit in Sydney 28-29 Sept.



The UTS Tech Lab is a new-generation research facility supporting collaborative, industry-led research partnerships that have the potential to drive innovation and growth in the IT and engineering industry. Industry partners benefit from access to the multidisciplinary facility and equipment, academic and professional teams and additional project resources through PhDs and student interns.

The UTS Tech Lab facilities cover many areas of collaboration within different industries, here are a few of the areas/facilities:

  • Mixed Reality Motion Platform Lab
  • Structural Engineering
  • Acoustics Lab
  • Antenna Chamber
  • Industry 4.0 Lab
  • Robotics
  • 5G/6G Wireless Comms & Networking
  • Electrical Power & Energy Systems Lab
  • Multimedia Data Analytics
  • Implant Testing Lab – Launch early 2023
  • Data Analytics, Machine Learning, AI


 See the Tech Lab video here

Read more about the UTS Tech Lab here





































The SACC invite companies and professionals to participate in the 2022 Swedish Business in Australia Awards.

The awards provide a great platform for companies to showcase their business within the Swedish-Australian business community. These awards also offer a great opportunity for companies to be recognised at a state as well as national level for being a business leader in its field or have specific expertise and of course, these awards offer everyone participating, invaluable promotional opportunities. The Swedish Australian Chamber of Commerce was founded in 1911 and we feel very proud of celebrating 111 years of dedication to create, promote, add value and support a sustainable Swedish-Australian business network.

The awards are run on a non-profit basis and promote Swedish related business activities in Australia as well as recognising organisations and individuals that help give Swedish business in Australia a positive profile. As in previous years, we are pleased to have the opportunity to co-host this event with the Embassy of Sweden. Eligible winners of the Business Awards will be presented at the Annual Awards Event in Sydney (more details to be announced).

Benefits of entering

  • Gain recognition at regional, state and national level
  • Raise the profile and showcase businesses/professionals throughout the awards campaign
  • Build a reputation for excellence within and outside of your industry
  • Boost employer morale through the recounting of business success
  • Marketing opportunities
  • Credibility and endorsement as a leading business/professional

Read more about the awards and enter here



Four inspirational companies – newcomers as well as established – won the 2021 Awards, showcasing the successful Sweden–Australia business connection.


Excellence in Business Enterprise

This award was open to all Swedish or Swedish-Australian businesses; large or small, newcomer or established. Here we highlight businesses or organisations that have achieved outstanding results through initiatives that demonstrate excellence in business management, a significant project, implementing progressive sustainability strategy, innovative campaign or product, marketing/branding or a new enterprise launch.


The Excellence in Business Enterprise Award for 2021 was granted to Ericsson Australia with Husqvarna and Randek as runner ups.

Ericsson Australia has been integral in evolving Australia’s telecommunications industry through the development of innovative technologies and solutions. From the first public telephone system in 1959 to the first 5G network in the Southern Hemisphere in 2020, Ericsson has partnered with operators to cement Australia as a global technology leader. Just in the last 18 months, Ericsson has helped connect over 3 million customers to 5G and is collaborating with partners to evolve 5G networks as a platform for innovation to support Australia’s digital future.

Ericsson’s Managing Director Australia and New Zealand says: “I’m thrilled that Ericsson has been presented with the Excellence in Business Enterprise award at the 2021 Swedish Australian Chamber of Commerce Swedish Business in Australia Awards.

First established in 1876 in Stockholm, we are proud of our Swedish heritage. Our technology innovation has positioned Australia as one of the global leaders in 5G, but it is the imprint of the founder, Lars Magnus Ericsson, who believed access to communication is a basic human right, that remains unmistakable to this day.

In 130 plus years, Ericsson Australia has grown from sales and repair shops to a household name, helping to create sustainable change and transforming nearly every sector of society. Whether it be the launch of Australia’s first public telephone system, or supporting the roll-out of the Southern Hemisphere’s first 5G network, Ericsson has placed the Swedish innovation at the very heart of Australia’s telco industry and ensured that Australia is at the cutting edge of technology.”

Excellence in Sustainability

The Sustainability award recognises organisations that execute initiatives that demonstrate leadership and commitment to sustainable business practices in planning, operations, marketing and/or in line with the United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s). We encouraged businesses of all sizes and sectors that go above and beyond to achieve any of the SDG’s, to reduce the impact of their operations on the environment and/or provide products and services that have positive environmental outcomes.

As many Swedish organisations are advanced in this area it was difficult for the jury to select a winner within this category with the impressive runner up companies, Alfa Laval and Axis Communications.


The Excellence in Sustainability Award for 2021 was awarded to AstraZeneca Australia. AstraZeneca is part of the global science-led biopharmaceutical company and is engaged in the research, development, manufacture and supply of medicines, that are committed to making a real difference to the lives of Australians.

AstraZeneca Australia’s policy and values embrace sustainable priorities such as; disease prevention and treatment, product environment stewardship, greenhouse gas reduction, water and power stewardship, waste management, responsible supply chain management, ethical business culture, inclusion and diversity and workforce well being and safety.

Two main sustainability initiatives stood out for the jury: “Their decision to provide a COVID vaccine to protect all people at cost and no profit during the pandemic period; and initiating the largest private greening venture in Australia (with Greening Australia), planting 25 million trees to recover native growth following the bushfires 2019-20”. AstraZeneca Australia integrated sustainability into every aspect of their enterprise, going beyond meeting annual and longer-term targets, to evolving a mindset and practices to meet changing and challenging times, well beyond their core business.


Excellence in Small Business

This award recognises a business that has attained significant growth and is able to demonstrate the specific strategies and processes implemented to achieve sustainable growth in the last year. 

The 2021 Excellence in Small Business Award was secured by E3 Health, taking the lead over strong runner up companies Fallon Dasey Content and TePe.

E3 Health was established in 2017 as a consulting firm supporting medical technology companies with commercialisation. The first Swedish product, launched in Australia in 2019, was Pjama a washable pyjama for bedwetters invented in Sweden 2014. Pjama has to date generated over $325K in sales and with the right strategies well executed can generate more than $1M in sales annually. More than 1000 children and adults with bedwetting problems in Australia have had a positive life-changing experience thanks to Pjama. More than 1000 children and adults with bedwetting problems in Australia have had a positive life-changing experience thanks to Pjama.

With the launch of Hipsafety’s hip protective clothing, the elderly community has a new unique solution available to improve quality of life.  The wearer can feel safe, comfortable and confident during their activity of choice. “E3 Health edged the other finalists out for its impressive growth in challenging times, as well as the heartwarming customer feedback. As the product offering expands growth is set to accelerate.”

Excellence in Community Contribution

The Excellence in Community Contribution Award recognises businesses/organisations/individuals that implement initiatives that have a positive impact on the community and generate outcomes that have a long-term benefit. Initiatives can include but are not limited to projects, programs, processes, systems, developments, ventures and undertakings.

This new award for 2021 went to much deserving Elekta, who provides radiation therapy, radiosurgery, related equipment and clinical management for the treatment of cancer and brain disorders.

Elekta is working to broaden cancer treatment availability through new solutions and training so that new, state-of-the-art technology becomes available to everyone in the community. “As technology continues to improve, it requires companies like Elekta to bring it to market to ensure cancer survival rates continue to improve. This enables cancer survivors to live a longer, more improved quality of life.”

Clinicians are inspired by Elekta’s innovative, outcome driven and cost-efficient solutions which allow them to treat more patients and achieve elevated treatment outcomes. Through awareness and advocacy of radiation therapy and the use of Elekta solutions, patients are inspired to take active participation in their cancer journey and seek the best treatment outcomes to extend their life.


The SACC would like to thank all company members who participated in the 2021 Business Awards.

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