Working with Brand Sweden – Swedish Chambers APAC Webinar 9 December

Summary and recording

Sweden, a small country in northern Europe with only 0.13% of the world’s population, is one of the first nations in the world to have implemented an official nation branding strategy. As a result, Sweden benefits from a positive brand image abroad. Four profile areas have been identified to define the idea of a Brand Sweden strategy: InnovationCreativitySociety and Sustainability. These are areas where Sweden is strong and positioned among leading nations in various global indexes of economic performance, social commitments, capacity for innovation, governance and sustainable commitments.

  • How can a positive view of Sweden as a brand benefit Swedish companies, especially when operating in markets far from Sweden and headquarters?
  • How can Sweden and Swedish companies join forces in co-branding?
  • How can nations and companies reflect each other’s assets and strengthen their positions?

For this SwedCham APAC event, we were delighted to have the following prominent guests with us:

Mr Simon Anholt is an independent policy advisor, author and expert in nation branding who for the past 21 years has worked with the Heads of State and Heads of Government of 63 nations to help them improve their economic, political and cultural engagements with the international community, and by raising their profiles enhance trade, tourism, diplomatic and cultural relations, major events, talent and investment attraction.

Ms Madeleine Sjöstedt,​ Director-General Swedish Institute​​, a public agency that promotes interest and trust in Sweden worldwide. The institute works in the fields of culture, education, science and business to strengthen international relations and development.

Ms Leonie HoskinIKEA Retail Manager (Thailand, Vietnam) for Ikano Retail. IKEA is well-known globally for using brand Sweden actively and strategically by communicating Swedish cultural concepts, symbols, and values and exporting them worldwide.

The session was be moderated by Christian Ihre, Co-Founder of the Swedish management consultancy Lynxeye.

Link to recording

Photo: Ola Ericson/

About the speakers:

Simon Anholt
Professor Simon Anholt is the world’s leading thinker, author, researcher and practitioner on national image. He devised the concept of nation brand in 1998, now a multi-billion-dollar global industry, and is the founder and publisher of the annual Anholt-Ipsos Nation Brands Index and City Brands Index, two major surveys that use a panel of 60,000 people in 20 countries to monitor global perceptions of 60 countries and 50 cities. Professor Anholt was Vice-Chair of the UK Foreign Office’s Public Diplomacy Board between 2000 and 2009, and has worked with institutions including numerous agencies of the United Nations, the World Economic Forum, the World Bank, NATO, the European Union, the World Trade Organisation, the International Olympic Committee, the UK House of Lords, the Commonwealth of Nations, the International Security Assistance Force and the Nordic Council of Ministers. Professor Anholt holds an MA (Oxford University). International Relations and Security Studies (Royal College of Defence Studies, London). He is an honorary Professor, Political Science (University of East Anglia).
Another One Bites The Grass: Making Sense of International Advertising, 2001 (John Wiley & Sons, New York, USA).
Brand New Justice: The Upside of Global Branding, 1st Edition, 2003 (Butterworth Heinemann, Oxford, UK).
Brand New Justice: How Branding Places and Products can Help the Developing World, Revised Edition, 2005 (Elsevier, Oxford, UK).
Brand America: The Mother of All Brands, 2006 (Cyan, London, UK). Revised edition in 2010.
Competitive Identity: The New Brand Management for Nations, Regions and Cities, 2007 (Palgrave Macmillan, UK).
Places: Identity, Image, Reputation, 2010 (Palgrave Macmillan, London, UK).
The Good Country Equation, 2020 (Berrett-Koehler, San Francisco, CA).


The winners and runner ups of the 2021 business awards were announced virtually and we are delighted to announce that they will be presented on stage and celebrated at the Swedish Australian Innovation Technology and Design Summit on 16 March 2022. Four inspirational companies – newcomers as well as established – won the 2021 Awards, showcasing the successful Sweden–Australia business connection.

The Awards provide a great platform for companies to showcase their business within the Swedish-Australian business community. These awards also offer a great opportunity for companies to be recognised at a state as well as national level for being a business leader in its field or have specific expertise and of course, these awards offer everyone participating, invaluable promotional opportunities. The Swedish Australian Chamber of Commerce was founded in 1911 and we feel very proud of celebrating 110 years of dedication to create, promote, add value and support a sustainable Swedish-Australian business network.

The awards are run on a non-profit basis and promote Swedish related business activities in Australia as well as recognising organisations and individuals that help give Swedish business in Australia a positive profile.

The entries for the 2021 year’s awards according to the jury panel were of very high and equal quality, which made the evaluation process very hard but after careful screening of the different nominations, the result within the four different categories was decided and announced as follows.

Excellence in Business Enterprise

This award was open to all Swedish or Swedish-Australian businesses; large or small, newcomer or established. Here we highlight businesses or organisations that have achieved outstanding results through initiatives that demonstrate excellence in business management, a significant project, implementing progressive sustainability strategy, innovative campaign or product, marketing/branding or a new enterprise launch.


The Excellence in Business Enterprise Award for 2021 was granted to Ericsson Australia with Husqvarna and Randek as runner ups.

Ericsson Australia has been integral in evolving Australia’s telecommunications industry through the development of innovative technologies and solutions. From the first public telephone system in 1959 to the first 5G network in the Southern Hemisphere in 2020, Ericsson has partnered with operators to cement Australia as a global technology leader. Just in the last 18 months, Ericsson has helped connect over 3 million customers to 5G and is collaborating with partners to evolve 5G networks as a platform for innovation to support Australia’s digital future.

Ericsson’s Managing Director Australia and New Zealand says: “I’m thrilled that Ericsson has been presented with the Excellence in Business Enterprise award at the 2021 Swedish Australian Chamber of Commerce Swedish Business in Australia Awards.

First established in 1876 in Stockholm, we are proud of our Swedish heritage. Our technology innovation has positioned Australia as one of the global leaders in 5G, but it is the imprint of the founder, Lars Magnus Ericsson, who believed access to communication is a basic human right, that remains unmistakable to this day.

In 130 plus years, Ericsson Australia has grown from sales and repair shops to a household name, helping to create sustainable change and transforming nearly every sector of society. Whether it be the launch of Australia’s first public telephone system, or supporting the roll-out of the Southern Hemisphere’s first 5G network, Ericsson has placed the Swedish innovation at the very heart of Australia’s telco industry and ensured that Australia is at the cutting edge of technology.”

Excellence in Sustainability

The Sustainability award recognises organisations that execute initiatives that demonstrate leadership and commitment to sustainable business practices in planning, operations, marketing and/or in line with the United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s). We encouraged businesses of all sizes and sectors that go above and beyond to achieve any of the SDG’s, to reduce the impact of their operations on the environment and/or provide products and services that have positive environmental outcomes.

As many Swedish organisations are advanced in this area it was difficult for the jury to select a winner within this category with the impressive runner up companies, Alfa Laval and Axis Communications.


The Excellence in Sustainability Award for 2021 was awarded to AstraZeneca Australia. AstraZeneca is part of the global science-led biopharmaceutical company and is engaged in the research, development, manufacture and supply of medicines, that are committed to making a real difference to the lives of Australians.

AstraZeneca Australia’s policy and values embrace sustainable priorities such as; disease prevention and treatment, product environment stewardship, greenhouse gas reduction, water and power stewardship, waste management, responsible supply chain management, ethical business culture, inclusion and diversity and workforce well being and safety.

Two main sustainability initiatives stood out for the jury: “Their decision to provide a COVID vaccine to protect all people at cost and no profit during the pandemic period; and initiating the largest private greening venture in Australia (with Greening Australia), planting 25 million trees to recover native growth following the bushfires 2019-20”. AstraZeneca Australia integrated sustainability into every aspect of their enterprise, going beyond meeting annual and longer-term targets, to evolving a mindset and practices to meet changing and challenging times, well beyond their core business.


Excellence in Small Business

This award recognises a business that has attained significant growth and is able to demonstrate the specific strategies and processes implemented to achieve sustainable growth in the last year. 

The 2021 Excellence in Small Business Award was secured by E3 Health, taking the lead over strong runner up companies Fallon Dasey Content and TePe.

E3 Health was established in 2017 as a consulting firm supporting medical technology companies with commercialisation. The first Swedish product, launched in Australia in 2019, was Pjama a washable pyjama for bedwetters invented in Sweden 2014. Pjama has to date generated over $325K in sales and with the right strategies well executed can generate more than $1M in sales annually. More than 1000 children and adults with bedwetting problems in Australia have had a positive life-changing experience thanks to Pjama. More than 1000 children and adults with bedwetting problems in Australia have had a positive life-changing experience thanks to Pjama.

With the launch of Hipsafety’s hip protective clothing, the elderly community has a new unique solution available to improve quality of life.  The wearer can feel safe, comfortable and confident during their activity of choice. “E3 Health edged the other finalists out for its impressive growth in challenging times, as well as the heartwarming customer feedback. As the product offering expands growth is set to accelerate.”

Excellence in Community Contribution

The Excellence in Community Contribution Award recognises businesses/organisations/individuals that implement initiatives that have a positive impact on the community and generate outcomes that have a long-term benefit. Initiatives can include but are not limited to projects, programs, processes, systems, developments, ventures and undertakings.

This new award for 2021 went to much deserving Elekta, who provides radiation therapy, radiosurgery, related equipment and clinical management for the treatment of cancer and brain disorders.

Elekta is working to broaden cancer treatment availability through new solutions and training so that new, state-of-the-art technology becomes available to everyone in the community. “As technology continues to improve, it requires companies like Elekta to bring it to market to ensure cancer survival rates continue to improve. This enables cancer survivors to live a longer, more improved quality of life.”

Clinicians are inspired by Elekta’s innovative, outcome driven and cost-efficient solutions which allow them to treat more patients and achieve elevated treatment outcomes. Through awareness and advocacy of radiation therapy and the use of Elekta solutions, patients are inspired to take active participation in their cancer journey and seek the best treatment outcomes to extend their life.


The SACC would like to thank members and everyone engaged in the 2021 Business Awards selection and presentation. Special thanks go to the dedicated judges and all companies who participated in the awards.

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The winners of the 2020 business awards were announced virtually and we are delighted to announce that they will be presented on stage and celebrated at the Swedish Australian Innovation Technology and Design Summit on 16 March 2022. Four inspirational companies – newcomers as well as established – won the 2020 Awards, showcasing the successful Sweden–Australia business connection.

The Awards provide a great platform for companies to showcase their business within the Swedish-Australian business community. These awards also offer a great opportunity for companies to be recognised at a state as well as national level for being a business leader in its field or have specific expertise and of course, these awards offer everyone participating, invaluable promotional opportunities. The Swedish Australian Chamber of Commerce was founded in 1911 and we feel very proud of celebrating 110 years of dedication to create, promote, add value and support a sustainable Swedish-Australian business network.

The awards are run on a non-profit basis and promote Swedish related business activities in Australia as well as recognising organisations and individuals that help give Swedish business in Australia a positive profile.

The entries for the 2020 year’s awards according to the jury panel were of very high and equal quality, which made the evaluation process very hard but after careful screening of the different nominations, the result within the four different categories was decided and announced as follows.

Excellence in Business Enterprise 

This award was open to all Swedish or Swedish-Australian businesses; large or small, newcomer or established. Here we highlight businesses or organisations that have achieved outstanding results through initiatives that demonstrate excellence in business management, a significant project, implementing progressive sustainability strategy, innovative campaign or product, marketing/branding or a new enterprise launch.


The Excellence in Business Enterprise Award for 2020 was granted to Permobil, a multinational company founded in 1967 fully owned by Investor AB. Permobil develops, manufacture and market wheelchairs, seating and positioning and communication systems for people with disabilities. Permobil Australia became the second biggest entity for the Permobil organisation globally in 2020, having been in 5th place at the start of 2019. In 2020, Permobil Australia was the only market to have achieved its budget and shown growth. Revenue growth of 40%, with EBIT growth of 113%. “ Permobil Australia would now be considered the Australian market leader in its category of Assistive Technology (Complex Rehabilitation Technology). Able to maintain growth despite market lockdowns throughout different parts of Australia, through new sales channels and protocols.”

Excellence in Sustainability

The Sustainability award recognises organisations that execute initiatives that demonstrate leadership and commitment to sustainable business practices in planning, operations, marketing and/or in line with the United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s). We encouraged businesses of all sizes and sectors that go above and beyond to achieve any of the SDG’s, to reduce the impact of their operations on the environment and/or provide products and services that have positive environmental outcomes.

As many Swedish organisations are quite advanced in this area it was particularly hard for the jury to select a winner within this category.


The Excellence in Sustainability Award for 2020 was handed to ABB a multinational corporation, operating in robotics, power, electrical equipment and automation technology areas. ABB delivers solutions that enable the sustainable cities, industry and transport systems that the world needs to mitigate climate change and conserve non-renewable resources.

Their leading technologies are developed to have positive impact and to enable sustainable growth for customers. Each of ABB’s businesses works to move society away from outmoded products and toward smart solutions that leverage the power of digitalisation, incorporating sustainability as a central feature. The result will be smarter buildings, cities, industry and transport that help the world achieve a better future. In Australia, ABB have a particular focus in two critical areas driving sustainable cities and sustainable living – Smart Buildings and Smart Mobility.

“ABB is clearly a global leader in technologies that will make the world more sustainable. It’s so good that their offering of products, technologies, skills and know-how is applied to the Australian market, be it in smarter buildings, energy production or transport.

Excellence in Small Business

This award recognises a business that has attained significant growth and is able to demonstrate the specific strategies and processes implemented to achieve sustainable growth in the last year. 

This year the 2020 Excellence in Small Business Award was secured by TePe Australia.

TePe is a family owned company, with all manufacturing in Malmö Sweden. TePe offers a variety of products, developed in collaboration with dental professionals, for keeping mouth and teeth healthy.


In challenging circumstances, TePe has demonstrated an ability to remain agile and evolve core products and supplier relationships to reduce carbon emissions while building demand through the leverage of multiple new online channels to inform and convert influencers and future customers. This has resulted in the continued ability to grow revenue despite the challenging market conditions for a new product that requires healthcare professional education and onboarding. “TePe is a deserving award winner as a classic small company doing well. A high quality product and a hard working team is, as usual, a very successful combination.”

Excellence in Innovation

The 2020 Excellence in Innovation Award recognises businesses that have made significant contributions to their industry through the introduction, improvement and implementation of an innovative solution or idea, a method, technology, process or application, new, existing or long-term.

The Excellence in Innovation category winner was Pagero. Pagero provides a Smart Business Network that connects buyers and sellers for automated, compliant, and secure exchange of orders, invoices, payment instructions and other business documents.



Pagero’s innovative, open, cloud-based solution revolutionises the way Australians do business with each other. Through their smart business network, they supported Australian businesses to fully digitalise their operations, no matter what existing systems and processes they had in place. With complete digitalisation, businesses will have accurate real-time analytics to make better business decisions, improving their operational efficiency and performance overall.

The COVID-19 pandemic has been tough on many Australian businesses with many accelerating adoptions of digital technologies in order to stay in business. “Pagero supported businesses with this transition by making it easier for Australians to stay safe and work from home. Through trading digitally, they observed a reduced need for paper documents and for people to be in the office processing these documents.” Pagero is constantly adapting to lead business innovation in Australia.


The SACC would like to thank members and everyone engaged in the 2020 Business Awards selection and presentation. Special thanks go to the dedicated judges and all companies who participated in the awards.

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