Swedish Chambers APAC webinar 28 April with Jacob Wallenberg, Chairman of Investor AB

SACC/YP Members were invited to Swedish Chambers APAC webinar 28 April with Special Guest Mr Jacob Wallenberg, Chairman of Investor AB.

Jacob Wallenberg reflected on experiences of the past year from the perspective of the Wallenberg sphere as well as challenges and opportunities for this year and also consider the opportunities for business in APAC, all in the context of the global challenges.  The webinar will be moderated by Peter Ling-Vannerus, Chief Representative, SEB Beijing. There will be time for Q&A at the end of the presentation.

View recording of the conversation here.

About the speakers:

Jakob Wallenberg:

Jacob Wallenberg is Chair of the Board of Investor AB since 2005, a lead shareholder of Nordic-based global companies. He is Vice Chair of ABB Ltd, Ericsson AB, FAM AB and Patricia Industries. Mr. Wallenberg also serves on the Board of Nasdaq Inc and the Board of the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation.

He is a Member of the European Round Table for Industry and Member of its Steering Committee, as well as Chair of the ERT Committee on Trade and Market Access. He is also member of the Advisory Board of Tsinghua University School of Economics and Management and member of the Trilateral Commission. Mr. Wallenberg is a member of and Honorary Chair of IBLAC, the Mayor of Shanghai’s International Business Leaders Advisory Council.

Jacob Wallenberg was the Chair of Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken (SEB) from 1998 to 2005 and Vice Chair from 2005 to 2014. Mr. Wallenberg was the CEO of the Bank in 1997 and EvP and in charge of Corporate and Investment banking 1995-1996.

Born in Stockholm 1956, Mr. Wallenberg was educated at the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, where he earned a Bachelor of Science in Economics in 1980 and an MBA in 1981. Mr. Wallenberg attended the Royal Swedish Naval Academy and is today an Officer in the Royal Swedish Naval Reserve.

Peter Ling-Vannerus:

Work experience
  • Chief Representative, SEB Beijing, September 2016
  • Gobal Head, Subsidiary Financing, SEB HQ, 2010
    Previously worked as the head of SEB Branch, France, as well as head of the SEB office in Brazil and Board member of the Brazilian Investment Bank, Banco Mercantil Finasa. Peter has long experience of working with emerging markets within all product areas and started his career in Peru working with the re-scheduling of the Peruvian debt.


  • Captain in the Reserves of the Swedish Coast Artillery, Royal Naval Academy
  • BSFS, Georgetown University, Washington, D. C.
  • Wallenberg Institute, Stockholm, Sweden
  • AMP, Insead, Fontainebleau

Big thank you to SwedCham China and SEB for arranging this webinar.

SACC Perth WA Sustainable Mining Event 21 April

In Focus: Sustainability & Mining Boom 3.0



On April 21 the SACC Perth WA Chapter were delighted to provide members and guests the opportunity to network in person while hearing from industry experts the latest developments in the mining and mining equipment, technology and services (METS) sector.

With open borders to other states, SACC Perth WA had the pleasure to host Ambassador Henrik Cederin and Alexandra Cederin visiting WA for the first time. The SACC Perth WA event 21 April was a success and we were able to network in person at the amazing Grant Thornton venue and learning about the fast-changing area of sustainability in modern mining. Big thank you to all members and guests attending.

Special thanks to speakers, sponsors and supporters Sandvik, Scania, Grant Thornton, Barminco and the Embassy of Sweden Canberra.


Company visit with Ambassador Cederin to Epiroc in WA in April 2021

SACC Member Epiroc hosted SACC and the Ambassador of Sweden on an eye-opening company visit showcasing their impressive facilities at the Australian head office in Perth and the role Swedish mining supply companies plays in Australia. We were also fortunate to meet with Epiroc customer RoyHill, a leading iron ore mining operation, and visit their remote operations centre, very impressive.

Company and factory visits are very valuable and part of what SACC offer our members so stay tuned for more member activities like this and get in touch with us if you would like to get involved or receive more information.

SACC Melbourne Business Networking Event with the Ambassador and DWS Group

On 15 April SACC Melbourne presented another successful business event at the Langham providing members and guests the opportunity to network in person together with Guests of Honour, Ambassador HE Mr Cederin and Mrs Cederin Embassy of Sweden Canberra.

Thank you to all attending and special thanks to event sponsor DWS Group and to Mr Stuart Whipp from DWS Group who presented on the evening.


SACC Melbourne Chapter business lunch with the  Ambassador of Sweden, HE Mr Henrik Cederin 15 April


Great turn out on 15 April at the SACC Melbourne Chapter business lunch with the  Ambassador of Sweden, HE Mr Henrik Cederin. Which took place at the Honorary Consulate of Sweden at Denmark House.

We were pleased to welcome Sara Sahely, Director of Global Engagement at Global Victori who talked about the Victorian Government’s export recovery initiatives, global engagement and key business opportunities and Ian McLean Market Leader, UK & Europe at Invest Victoria covered key areas of investment including hydrogen, digital games and renewables.

Joanne Woo, ABB Australia presented the new introduced SACC Sustainability Committee and fellow company members involved. Read her speach here.

Thank you to all speakers, members, guests and the Consulate for hosting.

SACC Melbourne – Nordic Engagement Lunch Wednesday 14 April

The Nordic Engagement Lunch 14 April presented a full house at Denmark House 

A slow start to the Nordic Engagement lunches but better late than never! After a tumultuous 2020, we finally could gather and welcome new and known faces to Denmark House. The 2021 forecast looks to be shaping up well! Starting the season with a bang so we hope to see not only an increase but also an increase in lunches. As for now, the Nordic Chambers are running the lunches on the second Wednesday every other month.
Due to unfortunate news of the Covid-19 outbreak in Melbourne with additional covid safe measures around for Victoria the Nordic Engagement Lunch on the June 9 has been rescheduled to August 11th. If you already purchased, your seat will be honoured for the rescheduled date.

Welcome to the next ‘Nordic Engagement Lunch Wednesday 11 August!

Where: Denmark House, Level 3/428 Little Bourke Street, Melbourne, VIC 3000

Price: $35 pp includes Smørrebrød, Beer/wine and Aquavit

Please feel free to invite guests.

Nordic Engagement is run by Denmark House in partnership with the Danish, Finnish, Norwegian and Swedish Australian Chambers of Commerce in Melbourne.

Bookings and payment are essential – https://www.trybooking.com/BQDWK

If you have any queries or diet requirements, please contact andrew.procter@denmarkhouse.com.au

Denmark House and all chambers are staying informed and following the VIC Government COVID restrictions.