Digital Marketing Online Event by SACC and Amire 23 July 2020

Summary and links from SACC Live Streamed Event hosted by Amire Strategic Digital Marketing with Facebook, HubSpot and IKEA

The focus on this event was – how to navigate and increase market share from a digital marketing perspective. Amire Strategic Digital Marketing studio will provide tangible insights on how businesses can utilise digital marketing successfully and representatives from Facebook, HubSpot and IKEA will provide specific tips on how they are supporting businesses market their brands, products and services.

The event was hosted by Sean Rooney, Director Amire Strategic Digital Marketing and we also had the following representatives presenting:

  • Christian Becker, E-commerce Manager, IKEA Australia
  • David Fernandez, Client Partner Retail, Facebook
  • Kat Warboys, Head of Marketing, Hubspot

Jan Gardberg, President of the Chamber and CEO of IKEA Australia & New Zealand, welcomed all and gave us a brief intro of the SACC and the topic for this webinar.

Sean Rooney, Director Amire Strategic Digital Marketing gave us an insight into useful google tools for analysing data, trends, local SEO and receive customer reviews. He spoke about the importance to connect with your customers through social media. “It is time to be more sensitive and empathetic. We need to look at how we are helping people and the community. We need to look at what our corporate social responsibility is and what our policies are and how we are educating and informing our online community.” Furthermore, Sean explained the importance of attribution modelling which can increase your performance with 20-40%. Here are some useful links recommended by Sean:

Christian Becker, E-commerce Manager, IKEA Australia presented how IKEA successfully increased their online market share. IKEA launched e-commerce in 2018 and the online market share within the home furnishing market is around 15% now. As a result of COVID the online conversion rate has tripled. Christian explained how they have achieved this and it comes back to understanding who your customers are and what are their needs. IKEA also put a lot of focus on SEO (search engine optimisation) and SEM (search engine marketing) and shifted to keyword targeting on none branded search. They updated the website with SEO in focus to make it easier to browse, explore and plan and launched free home furnishing advice via a virtual design service. Another area IKEA focused on was customer promise with instant customer gratification through high and stable stock availability, free contactless click and collect, contactless and consistent delivery offer.

David Fernandez, Client Partner Retail, Facebook spoke about the change in peoples behaviour as a result of COVID and lock-down. People are now the most important things in our lives and the crisis has made us think more about our choices. People demand more precautions, value personal space, appreciate essentials, assist and support local brands, opt for cashless, tap’n go, self-service and contactless encounters. “We are re-evaluating the things we took for granted and really hone in on what is truly essential for us.” David continued to present some tools which Facebook offers such as Stories which gives people the power to creatively communicate and the acceleration of Stories is much faster than Feed within Facebook. It started on Instagram, then Facebook and now LinkedIn is now rolling out a stories capability as well. He also highlighted in-stream video details as a great branding opportunity for businesses to use as a natural extension to their screen strategy for online videos.

Kat Warboys, Head of Marketing, Hubspot began by sharing the HubSpot’s Benchmark Data report about what COVID-19 has taught us about growth in a crisis. Website traffic has increased steadily and peaked in mid June at 25% above benchmark. Customer initiated chat is a service that customers really value and increased in June at 58% above benchmark. There has also been an increase in engagement in marketing email but a decrease in response rate when it comes to sales emails. Kat highlighted the takeaways from these changes (see below) and to pay attention to, How have your buyers changed with regards to behaviour, needs? What challenges have emerged and how can you adapt? Has a new persona emerged that you are able to provide a service or product to?

  • Revisit your buyer persona and consider how your content and product/service may need to adapt.
  • Your website is your new shop front, invest in SEO to ensure potential buyers can find you and invest in chat and chatbots to help your team’s productivity and support customers, especially as their expectations evolve.
  • Focus your sales on quality over quantity to improve outcomes.

Useful links from Kat:

Link to the webinar recording:

This event was kindly supported by Amire Strategic Digital Marketing and will be held at their Manly based office and live-streamed.

Contact us if you would like more information:

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Solutions Focused Leadership for professional and personal development SACC/YP webinar with Leader Development Expert Jan Marklund 13 Aug 6.30pm

Interested in leadership for personal and professional development? Curious about what it means to be a Solution Focused leader and how you can use the approach to gain momentum in your career or business?

Launching our Professional Event Series, Young Professionals of Swedish Australian Chamber of Commerce proudly presents; Solutions Focused Leadership – An exclusive, interactive webinar with Jan Marklund; leader development coach, author, public speaker and entrepreneur.

Thursday 13th of August 6.30pm AEST
SACC/YP members: FREE
Non-members: $15
Exclusively offered SACC YP event. Register and secure your spot now. Once registered, an email will be sent with instructions on how to get connected from wherever you are.


Solutions Focus

 Solutions Focus is a scientifically proven leadership method that allows you to identify and take advantage of the existing – often unknown – potential within yourself, your team or organisation.

It provides methods for constructive conflict resolution, better performance, improved staff retention and promotes overall health and happiness within and between people. With this unique, interactive webinar you get insight into how it works.

Jan Marklund will teach you how to solve problems and conflicts without talking about them and how to improve yourself without analysing your weaknesses. (We promise it’s not as crazy as it sounds. In fact, it’s an extremely effective and common practice among successful world leaders).

You will learn

  • The difference between Solutions Focus and problem focus
  • The approach and methodology
  • The power of questions vs answers
  • The importance of constructive reflection
  • How to use the power of words and language for effective communication and shifting mindsets
  • How to deal with complainers, perform constructive conflict resolution and how to give solution-focused feedback (or feedforward).
  • How to use your strengths to your advantage


  • Opportunity to interact and practice what you learn
  • Practical tools you can apply to your own challenges
  • To hear practical examples and experiences from a highly experienced leadership development coach and expert, member of international Solutions Focus association.

Testimonials from managers that have attended Marklund’s seminars, workshops or programs:

“I have discovered leadership skills within myself I didn’t know I had.”

“I use my time more effectively and more targeted, i.e. I prioritise better, delegate better and get more time for strategic work.”


About the speaker, Jan Marklund

Working with managers, executive teams, athletes and politicians, Jan Marklund has extensive expertise around best practice and the common challenges modern leaders face on a daily basis.

Introduced to SFiO* in 1990, Marklund’s diverse and fascinating leadership- and consulting experience spans across management in both the private and government sectors. Including, but not limited to, working as an intelligence officer for UN, founding and running an industry magazine, consulting small and large organisations including the Swedish Fire Brigade and corporations like SKF, in strategic and practical strategy, running a school, professionally training athletes and coaching a regional handball club on refugee integration.

To help leaders build strong teams and successful organisations, Marklund founded GongGång Ledarutveckling i Sverige AB, offering leader development programs, individual coaching and a range of interactive workshops, all based on the solutions-focused and salutogenic approach. For over 15 years, he and his team have assisted managers and executive teams in identifying and applying their existing strengths, shifting mindsets and approaches through constructive reflection and a range of practical tools for the big and small challenges that occur in the every-day-life of managers and executive teams.

Jan Marklund is the co-author of the practical handbook “From stagnation to success – Solution Focused tools for newly appointed managers” [Swedish title: Från tomgång till framgång – lösningsfokuserade verktyg för nyanställda chefer] published 2016. He is currently conducting research for his second book, which investigates the typical characteristics of Swedish leadership and the impact on the world.


* Solutions Focus in Organizations, an international network of solution-focused practitioners which promotes, supports and develops research and applications of Solution Focus in Organisations.