Constant Security Offer Free Personal Safety Workshop for Members and Staff
Personal Safety Workshop and Live Webinar
Constant Security Services self-defence and personal protection expert, Mick Bell will be running a series of three Personal Safety webinars teaching practical strategies for everyday situations.
These webinars are a must for everyone. Any person, male or female, can be subjected to an assault or crime against them in any situation. Whether they are at work, home or in a familiar local neighbourhood going for a walk. Statistically, 20% of most assaults occur near or in a home.
According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics:
In the most recent incident of physical assault experienced by women:
- the offender was most commonly a male (76%)
- the offender was more commonly someone known to the woman (80%) than a stranger (20%)
- In the most recent incident of physical assault experienced by men:
- the offender was most commonly a male (81%)
- the offender was a stranger in nearly half of incidents (45%)
Useful strategies will be presented throughout all webinar series with the aim to reduce potentially dangerous situations, whilst improving situational awareness. Understanding and having the ability to recognise potentially dangerous situations and behaviours are extremely important in crime prevention. Taking a pro-active approach to your own behaviour and actions are equally important.
In a short, sharp 30 minutes, Mick delivers an engaging and informative webinar providing potentially lifesaving knowledge.
The first episode will be delivered on the 24th June 2020, focusing on teaching skills around situational awareness, day and night.
This is offered free of charge exclusively to the Swedish Australian Chamber of Commerce members and their staff, just follow the registration prompts.
Register here:
Swedish Midsummer live online 19 June from 7 pm AEST
Join this FB live event hosted by Visit Sweden and experience the Swedish Midsummer 19 June at 11:00 – 20 June at 00:30 UTC+02 (7 pm AEST start 19 June)
Summary of SACC Webinar 23 June with Professor Göran Roos on the present state of the economy and “the new normal”
Again the Chamber had the privilege to welcome Professor Göran Roos a keynote speaker and this time Professor Roos joined us virtually from the UK. The webinar was organised as a follow up on our webinar series COVID-19 impact on business, trade and investment with a focus on the economic impact. Professor Roos gave us a comprehensive insight into the present state of the Economy and the “New Normal” with implications for the Resource Extraction Industry.
As presented in the bio below Professor Göran Roos has many titles, accomplishments, and credentials including a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Technology and Engineering. A very prominent title awarded by 900 fellow peers of the organisation. ATSE is an Academy of independent experts helping Australians understand and use technology to solve complex problems. Göran was born and raised in Sweden and graduated from the Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg. Göran lived in Adelaide for many years and recently moved back to the UK with his family. Professor Roos has been a keynote speaker at a few SACC events and last year he presented a very interesting and challenging topic at a SACC Perth WA event on “Implications for the mining industry of moving to a low resource footprint value-creating paradigm” i.e. “what’s the new normal for the mining industry when the world is going green”.
Professor Roos’s presentation for this webinar with focus on the present state of the Economy and the “New Normal” is based on insights from statistics, facts, and conclusions from a research perspective.
Göran began to present the curve for the economy to get back to what we call the new normal and what the new normal is going to be. “In the beginning, there was a lot of optimism about a v-shaped recovery but in reality, it looks like it will be more of a “Nike Swoosh” recovery meaning a much slower recovery than anticipated It will take many years until we get back to where we were and even longer to where we ought to be”, said Professor Roos.
Looking at the GDP forecast for Australia the GDP drop was about 40%. “The employment is usually in these types of crisis situations a laggard and it will take longer for the employment to come back than the GDP”. The unemployment rate for Australia if we only see a single hit of the pandemic is forecasted to increase from 5% to 8 %. The unemployment issue is very large and it causes increased crime, mental health problems, and general disturbance issues in the economy. The three most impacted sectors with regards to unemployment are Accommodation & food, transport & storage and manufacturing.
Göran brought up the COVID-19 impact on the Gross National Income (GNI) based on the actual number of cases in each country plus the quarantine shock. The direct effect on the GNI in Australia was -8.7%, the effect on the GVC (Global Value Chain) was -2.1% compared to China where the direct effect was -11.3% and the GVC -2.4% and Sweden with 0% direct effect, as a result of no lockdown but the GVC was -3.6%.
The sector which has experienced the biggest change is the service sector and especially the airline and travel industry. Some airlines are looking at being nationalised and many airlines won’t be able to survive. Airfreight will become very expensive, airfares will go up due to the lack of air passengers especially business travellers.
Aspects of the new normal includes increased automation, supply chain diversification to increase resilience at a cost, re-localisation or restructuring of global value chains disrupted by digital ways of working and a rise of new business models.
“Globalisation is slowing down maybe even in some sectors and countries reversing quite dramatically, this means that we will have more protectionism in some sectors in some countries”.
These are just a few highlights of the presentation, to listen to the full recording of the webinar with the Q&A session please follow this link:
Keynote speaker biography
Professor Göran Arne Roos holds a MSc in Engineering Physics from Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg, Sweden; an MBA in Strategy from INSEAD in Fontainebleau, France; an Advanced Postgraduate Diploma in Management Consultancy from Henley Management College in Henley-on-Thames, UK; and a Ph.D. in Business and Management from University of South Australia in Adelaide, Australia. Göran is a specialist in the field of intellectual capital and an expert in innovation management and strategy. He is a common advisor to organizations and governments around the globe. Göran is a CSIRO fellow and also a fellow of the Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering (ATSE) and of the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences (IVA). Göran was named “one of the 13 most influential thinkers for the 21st Century” by the Spanish business journal “Direccion y Progreso” and was appointed “Manufacturing for the Future” Thinker in Residence by the South Australian Premier for the year 2011 and an appointed member of the Prime Minister’s Manufacturing Leaders Group 2012/2013. He was selected for Committee for Economic Development of Australia (CEDA) Top 10 Speeches 2013: A collection of the most influential and interesting speeches from the CEDA platform in 2013 for the speech: “The future of manufacturing in Australia: Innovation and productivity”.
The session was moderated by Figge Boksjö, Chair of the SACC Perth WA Chapter.
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“The World’s largest digital workplace experiment” and the COVID-19 pandemic’s impact on international cooperation and the global sustainability agenda
This third webinar in the SACC’s webinar series 11 June on the COVID-19 pandemic’s impact on business, trade and investment looked at the future beyond the pandemic and the conversation focused on what we have learned so far and what we believe will be “the new normal” for business. We also looked at the consequences of the pandemic on urban culture, the society at large as well as the pandemic’s impact on international cooperation and the global sustainability agenda.
On the panel for the webinar we were delighted to welcome back to SACC HE Pär Ahlberger, Ambassador for Sustainable Business at the Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs, who was calling in from Stockholm; Sarah Goss, Head of Innovation, Ericsson Australia & New Zealand as well as Sam Okeby, Head of Commercial Development, Lendlease Australia.
We commenced the conversation in regards to how technology has been such an important enabler for all of us to be productive whilst working from home. Sarah Goss, commenced the conversation with “We are at a moment in time which has really placed a spotlight on what is an ‘essential service’ and we have all seen the essential nature of connectivity. Our communications networks are recognized as critical national infrastructure”.
She continued by recognising that despite a 70 percent increase in usage of the NBN, the network is showing a lot of robustness and reliability in this time of crisis.
Sarah also made reference to a report released on 9 June 2020, by global research company OMDIA (formerly Ovum), stating that Australia is ranked 12th out of 22 countries in the global 5G market which have been examined for their deployment of the technology. The report used operator launches, network coverage, subscriber take-up, 5G spectrum availability and the regulatory ecosystem to rank each 5G market – but rankings were determined as of the end of 2019. With the impact of COVID-19 there has been some increased focus on 5G in Australia.
As a testament to the criticality to accelerate the roll-out of 5G, Telstra CEO Andy Penn announced in May this year that Telstra will bring forward its $500 million of capital expenditure to increase capacity in their network which was planned for the second half of FY21 into the calendar year 2020.
Sarah continued “Through COVID-19, we have seen a huge acceleration in digitization across the economy including telehealth, remote learning, remote working and e-commerce. We believe 5G will be a key enabling technology to support Australia’s digital economy into the future”.
Sarah also recognised that this crisis and the extensive remote work set-up, has certainly highlighted that it is critical to get the people dimension right and that a remote working set-up has also shown to put different demands on leadership capability.
On the question of what we have learned from this crisis, Sarah concludes “We’ve learnt that connectivity is like oxygen and we’ve learnt to slow down and recognise what’s important in life. We’ve also learnt that Australians can pull together for the collective good and in the context of companies and digital technology, we’ve not only learnt but we’ve really up-ended traditional beliefs about remote and flexible working”.
In March of this year, Ericsson shifted the majority of its staff to work from home – nearly overnight. Today, around 85,000 Ericsson employees, who are running networks, working in R&D and support functions, are all nearly to 100 percent working from home.
“We need to remain adaptive to the prevailing conditions through this transition which we’re going through and to continue to learn as we shape what a post COVID-19 world will look like” was Sarah’s response to what she believes that Ericsson will bring into the future. She also said that there is still a lot of uncertainty and a degree of experimentation. “Having said that, there is no going back on some things, and I think widespread remote and flexible working will remain”.
Generally speaking, she also recognised that companies have by default increased their technological competency and high-tech skills of their workforce which she believes is only set out to continue and which is also underpinning that companies will have to invest in their IT infrastructure.
Sarah’s recommendations for businesses going on a digital transformation journey is, just like with any change process, the people dimension is always the most complex and challenging but also the most important challenge to get right. “In embedding the positive outcomes from COVID-19 long-term, including more work flexibility, we must ensure we address the mindset, culture and WoW [Ways of Working] piece that will enable sustained change and success”.
Also to mention in this context is the necessity to update policies and practices, especially relating to remote and flexible working. The business’ leadership capability must also be developed hand-in-hand with this. At Ericsson they are currently running targeted learning and development initiatives for their top 120 leaders to ensure they are able to effectively meet the new demands for leaders.
“We are also focusing on ‘now is the time’ to crack through the change we want to see in D&I[Diversity and Inclusion]; D&I enhances business performance and realising these benefits in practice must be a central factor in the way we design our evolution and set the tone for our evolved culture. We also want to break down barriers and friction that makes it difficult for people to do their jobs or difficult for customers to do business with us. Persisting issues relating to simplification must be resolved” said Sarah.
Another area, which also has been spoken about a lot during this crisis is the physical space where we work, the office. Sam Okeby from LendLease Australia, said that the pandemic’s impact on workplace development is already widely recognised and now the workplace is pretty much reimagined.
“Our previous ways of working and living has definitely changed. The impact of COVID-19 has driven the world’s largest digital workplace experiment and this has changed the way we are viewing physical space, including the function of our cities” he said.
Sam also said that how we return to our cities and what our new work patterns will look like, will be directly influenced by what culture companies want to achieve and how physical space contributes to achieving these goals. “The physical workplace has always been a significant lever in the shaping of culture – and will still be going forward, and now with the digital tools which we have become very comfortable using, this will result in a more diverse network of spaces forming part of the reimagined workplace,” he said.
Sam also raised the impact on businesses attracting talent during and post-COVID-19 “The companies we work with have always had a mission to attract talent and in the past talent has always followed companies to the cities where they operate from. Given the effective use of video conference technology, we do see workplace strategies incrementally shifting to now capture talent previously isolated by location”.
One thing that has been identified from is the digital workplace experiment was the relationships that had formed through working together physically, were directly linked to how effective people felt working digitally with each other.
“Overall though we still see companies prioritising the need for a physical workplace to shape culture and to connect people. Our engagement with customers has confirmed that people want to immerse themselves in the culture of a business and align themselves with the values of the business and physical places have been a key driver of this” said Sam.
On the question of what Lendlease has learned from the crisis, Sam said “COVID-19 has reinforced that people are the number one consideration. At Lendlease the safety of our people has always been our first priority. While companies consider the future of their workplaces, we expect that they will focus on wanting to provide a healthy environment for their people to work in. Also given the consideration working flexibly or WFH [Work From Home] will now play, companies will need to balance this new way of working with providing equal opportunity for those who this option may not be achievable”.
Sam also mentioned how Lendlease is committed to delivering places and buildings that advance human health and wellness and that they have been working with the International WELL Building Institute to ensure our projects are certified to their WELL Building Standard. Going forward, Lendlease believes that having WELL certified buildings will be a key decision point for companies.
Another aspect of the crisis that we need to remember which Sam pointed out is that the world has just had an unprecedented detox. It has been estimated that the 3 months of lockdown around the world has generated roughly a 9 percent reduction in carbon emissions. Although that is the largest drop for decades, it is also recognised that even a global lockdown only produced a 9 percent dent. To reduce emissions to meet a less than 2 degree target requires that same level of reduction every year for the next 20 years.
Off this remarkable result, Sam said “Key going forward will be how we can sustain some of the positive impacts, how we can promote the uptake of cycling, walking and active transport options long term, and how can we also resist the reaction to jump back into single occupancy vehicles”.
Sam also referred to signs that unlike during the GFC, companies aren’t backing away from sustainability. “We are also seeing calls to ensure economic stimulus packages are directed to green and sustainable initiatives, a so called ‘Green Recovery’” he said.
Sam continued “At a more granular level the density of spaces is currently being debated, I believe the key here is that we need to listen to people as they return to cities and make sure we make people feel comfortable with how space is occupied. I believe technology can play a critical role here helping you to plan your days so that you can move around cities at a time and in a way that makes you feel comfortable”.
On the question what he believes will be a focus for commercial construction development in the future, Sam said that “My prediction is that this convergence of the physical and digital places will happen faster now as a result of COVID-19. The digital world and its convergence with the physical world has been a mega-trend we have been planning for. In 2019 Lendlease launched Lendlease Digital – headed by Bill Ruh, previously the Chief Executive Officer, GE Digital and GE’s Chief Digital Officer, to accelerate our digital transformation”.
He continued “I believe companies will now plan for their physical workplace and digital workplace concurrently. Previously physical was planned first. Knowing that you work in a healthy building will also be key, so we see WELL Certification becoming more important”.
Sam also said that they are seeing that companies are increasingly adopting a network strategy for the workplace, some are referring to this as a ‘Hub and Spoke’.
“We have been working on different models to achieve a network strategy over the last couple of years with both a pilot project here in Australia being the Local Office in Sydney and C-suites business in Singapore. We will continue to work with our customers to develop the best solution for each company that matches their workplace culture strategy – with a physical network strategy and a digital strategy. Having your physical furniture, digital furniture and cultural furniture aligning will be the reimagined workplace” he said.
SACC was delighted to welcome back HE Pär Ahlberger to our events. HE Ahlberger was the Swedish Ambassador to Australia for five years and has remained in close contact with the Chamber since.
The response to this crisis has mainly had a domestic focus, with governments handling their own response and meeting the crisis with different measures on a local level. However, it is a global pandemic with global implications.
In regards to the global challenges that we can expect to see as a consequence of the pandemic, the Ambassador made this statement “The COVID-19 pandemic is global health, economic and social crisis. The world is in crisis management mode and international systems are being challenged. Global value chains have been severely interrupted and people have lost their jobs. The pandemic will not last forever but its effects will be felt for years to come”.
He continued “The pandemic reinforces the trend of backsliding democracy and weakened respect for human rights. There are widespread concerns of corruption and challenges to the environment. The pandemic hits hard on many groups in society and is thereby presenting us with major new challenges. We are experiencing something unprecedented in modern times”.
The Ambassador continued “COVID-19 is a test of societies, of governments, of communities and of companies. One can say that COVID-19 is the ultimate stress test for CSR (human rights, gender equality, good working conditions and anti-corruption), in the immediate crisis as well as in the long term”.
The Ambassador referred to a survey that was conducted in Sweden with some 25 global Swedish participating companies and 80 percent of the companies stated that the COVID-19 pandemic had exposed weaknesses in their business or in their value chains. 70 percent stated that their long term commitment to CSR matters had not been affected as a consequence of the pandemic.
“The crisis is not a time for less cooperation or more protectionism. International cooperation is needed to manage the crisis, to tackle the health emergency but also to focus on the social impacts and the economic recovery” said the Ambassador.
The Swedish Government has launched a Platform for International Sustainable Business with an expressed expectation on Swedish companies to act sustainably and responsibly by working for human rights, gender equality, good working conditions, the environment, climate considerations and to combat corruption. Sweden has since long been a strong supporter of the UN Global Compact and will now give support to decent work in global supply chains and on sustainability in procurement.
As a recommendation for businesses on where to start their CSR work and to familiarise themselves with The Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact’s guide for business leaders in responding to the crisis, which is a guide that provides ideas and inspiration in these uncertain times to business leaders. “I am impressed by the way UN Global Compact has stepped forward, also by the way they have provided specific guidance to companies,” said the Ambassador.
Next week some 11,000 participants will attend the UN Global Compact Leaders Summit on June 15 and 16. At this summit, an important initiative will be launched, titled SDG Ambition: Introducing Business Benchmarks for the Decade of Action, which has a strong link to Agenda2030**. The aim for this initiative is to encourage more ambitious action by companies on additional issues. Over the coming months, the UN Global Compact will also invite businesses to provide feedback on this initiative.
The Ambassador recognised the SACC’s initiative to partner with UN Global Compact Australia already a couple of years ago “You can be proud of having engaged since long on sustainable business. You launched the first-ever collaboration between a national Chamber of commerce in Australia and UN Global Compact, and launched a project on Agenda2030 and in particular SDG5***” he said.
The Ambassador recommended the webinar participants to join the Leaders Summit next week and for SACC to continue its collaboration with UN Global Compact Australia. He also informed everyone that UN Global Compact Australia will organise a session during the leaders meeting next week to discuss climate change in times of crisis and the role of bribery prevention and detection in building strong partnerships for the Sustainable Development Goals. He also recommended companies to consider to join the UN Global Compact Academy, which includes some 10 modules related to the COVID-19 pandemic.
In addition, the Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affairs has developed an interactive CSR training module in which SACC is looking at rolling out for businesses in Australia. There will also be a CSR webinar with Swedish chambers of commerce in Asia and Pacific which is planned for September.
By Moderator of the Webinar: Teresia Fors, Vice President of SACC
**Agenda2030 is United Nations, 2015, “Transforming our World: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development”: The Agenda is a plan of action for people, planet and prosperity. It also seeks to strengthen universal peace in larger freedom and recognizes that eradicating poverty in all its forms and dimensions, including extreme poverty, is the greatest global challenge and an indispensable requirement for sustainable development.
***SDG5 is United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goal 5: Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls.
View the video recording of the Q&A session of this webinar here
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Swedish Chambers APAC webinar 10 June with Anna Hallberg & Carl-Henric Svanberg
Take away from Swedish Chambers APAC webinar 10 June 2020 with Anna Hallberg, Minister for Foreign Trade Sweden & Carl-Henric Svanberg, Chairman of Volvo Group
On June 10th, The Swedish Chambers of Commerce in APAC co-organised an interesting and popular webinar on: Swedish trade and industrial support policies as well as Swedish business management during COVID-19.
We were honored to have two key patron speakers in the field of Swedish foreign trade and business: Anna Hallberg, Sweden’s Minister for Foreign Trade and Carl-Henric Svanberg, Chairman of Volvo Group share their experiences on this topic.
The webinar was a great success with an amazing 400+ participants joining in from China, South Korea, Singapore, Japan, Taiwan, Indonesia, Philippines, India, Thailand, Hong Kong, Australia and Vietnam.
During the panel session interesting topics were discussed on how Swedish trade policy has functioned during COVID-19, what industrial measures have been put in place and what can we learn from Asia.
Thank you to moderators Peter-Ling Vannerus, Chief Representative of SEB Beijing and Johan Javeus, Chief Strategist and Head of Research & Strategy, SEB.
We are grateful for the support of SEB in arranging this webinar
View the webinar here:
The concept of offering high profile webinars organized by the Swedish Chamber of Commerces in APAC is new, and after this successful first time, we are already planning many more in the months to come. Next in line is with Senior Economist at Mannheimer Swartling, Klas Eklund as a keynote speaker. So stay tuned!
Summary of SACC Annual Executive Forum on 2 June 2020
The Swedish Australian Chamber of Commerce annual Executive Forum was held 2 June. It was great to see so many people joining this virtual forum which was supposed to be a round table meeting in person.
The President of SACC Jan Gardberg welcomed and introduced special guests HE Henrik Cederin Ambassador of Sweden to Australia and Mr Martin Ekberg, Trade Commissioner Australia, keynote speakers Professor Göran Roos and Mr Kieran Schneemann, Government Affairs Director, AstraZeneca and SACC representatives in the meeting Jonas Lindholm, Teresia Fors and Camilla Jennings. Jan also highlighted the purpose of the meeting to create a dialogue, share experiences, to identify opportunities, areas of cooperation within and across sectors and to establish areas of support between Swedish businesses, the Swedish Australian Chamber of Commerce, the Embassy and Business Sweden.
HE Henrik Cederin Ambassador of Sweden to Australia, thanked SACC and welcomed the group of senior executives of Swedish businesses in Australia for joining SACC and representatives from Team Sweden (the Embassy, Business Sweden and SACC) to discuss what to do to prepare for the period post COVID-19.
Ambassador Cederin referred to the worrying global political trends that we can see now of protectionism, inward looking governments, global cooperation getting harder and harder and generally not prioritised global governance issues. He recognised that Sweden and Australia are likeminded countries and share views on the importance of continued broad global cooperation.
The Ambassador also gave an update on the high-level visit HRH The Crown Princess and the Government Representative planned for April that was postponed and informed everyone that the Embassy is hopeful that this visit will be rescheduled in the not too distant future. Furthermore, he mentioned the importance of input from the corporations so that we can add value by working together. Areas of focus will be Sustainability, Smart City solutions, Swedish Mining Initiative, Health and MedTech. Post COVID-19 will bring challenges but also many opportunities and there will be interesting openings for cooperation within different areas including the areas mentioned.
Mr Martin Ekberg, Trade Commissioner Australia also thanked the Chamber for organising the platform for the forum. He also recognised that Team Sweden is an effective platform for Swedish businesses in Australia to collaborate. He presented the results from a survey Business Sweden conducted surveying Swedish companies early on in the crisis in May. In summary, the pandemic has had a bigger impact on business than what initially was predicted, however, confidence is growing slightly again and many businesses are realising that they will have to redefine their offer and adjust their sales and marketing efforts.
Professor Göran Roos presented a comprehensive view of the economic indicators before, during and what is predicted for the countries heavily impacted by the crisis. It was concluded that the debt to GDP ratio will increase as measurements to mitigate the economic impact of the crisis will take effect. The recovery path is broadly considered not to spike but to have a prolonged “NIKE” curve due to what is expected from business: reluctancy to take back staff, low level management will be removed altogether, social distancing measurements will continue to impact the service industry, increased digital activity will the office / real estate industry heavily, broad solvency issues which could lead to governments going in with debt against equity swap offers, possibly domestic industry development, increased frugality/consumer spend. What do we think will be the “New Normal”? Most definitely supply chain diversification promoting more regional and domestic buying, task automation in production, continued digital disruption of many services, declining globalisation, delayed “green switch’, China trying to reassert its participation (through increased acquisitions and IP assumptions) and accelerating its absorption of Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan. Australia will continue to be sandwiched between the USA and China, WTO is continually marginalised and will continue to be without support from the US and China. Local manufacturing is on the rise and storage issues have certainly come to the forefront of the minds of government (Finnish example), increased appetite for government procurement and lastly the impact of the ownership of raw materials.
Mr Kieran Schneemann, Government Affairs Director AstraZeneca presented the different situation of infected individuals in Sweden vs Australia and said that in both countries the risk of a second wave of infections is severe. He also presented an extensive view of the Australian government response and its implication on our economy. In summary, what is predicted at this point in time is that the Australian government response will come at a cost of more than $300bn, over a three-year period. This is to be confirmed when the delayed budget will be presented on the 6th of October later this year. Kieran also presented the coming elections as it is important to understand how these critical political dates will impact the priorities of the different state and federal governments and thereby impact business. What we can assume at this stage is that, due to the increased domestic spend and stimulus packages to bring back economic activity, all governments will be asked to look at cuts in other areas. For example, climate change issues will most likely not be a key focus. We can also assume that there will be a lot of policies introduced to make the sitting government “look good” with an imminent election. We can also estimate that there will be a blow- out in the medical benefit scheme as the health budget has increased significantly and future patient support will likely be reduced.
The next SACC Executive Forum is planned to be held in person in Melbourne on 16 September.
SACC and NACC Perth WA 23 July – After Work
Welcome to After Work drinks on the 23rd of July 2020 at 5.30pm with SACC and NACC members and followers.
Venue and more details TBA.