Raoul Wallenberg Exhibition Event in Sydney 4 April – Every person can make a difference

We had a fantastic group of people and a great panel at the Raoul Wallenberg exhibition event in Sydney last night, 4 April. Annika Flensburg led the panel discussion with the topic focus on human rights and what Raoul Wallenberg’s legacy means today. “Everyone of us can make a difference. We can decide to take to the streets tomorrow. But do we have the courage? Or are we too afraid to lose something in our privileged life, whether it is your personal life or your career?” said Craig Foster, former Socceroo and SBS Broadcast Presenter. Special thank you to all the panelists, Craig Foster, Renata Kaldor, Munjed Al Muderis and Mark Grentell. Also, big thank you to our moderator Annika Flensburg, Anna Alvsdotter, Katarina Prime Linmarker, the Embassy of Sweden and all the Swedish organisations supporting this event including #SwedesinSydney#SwedishWomeninSydney#theSwedishClub#SwedishSchoolinSydney#Nordlingarna and #theSwedishAustralianChamberofCommerce

Video from the event